Monday, May 11, 2020

Sketchup -LESSON 1 -Tiles ( 3 )

Sketchup -LESSON 1 -Tiles ( 3 )

Sketchup -LESSON 1 -Tiles ( 2 )

Sketchup -LESSON 1 -Tiles ( 2 )

When making this one I inserted 2 different types of tile material 

Sketchup -LESSON 1 -Tiles ( 1 )

Sketchup -LESSON 1 -Tiles ( 1 )

Sketchup -LESSON 1 -Tiles ( 1 )
After watching the video tutorial I began to work on the first part of the instructions   
After coloring the box's I raised copied and raised the bottom 3' up.
I placed my url and changed color's and size and this is it complete.

Friday, May 1, 2020

10 hour code hour 10

Here I was learning how to make a text repeat many times.

Here I was making the numbers repeat to the right by the numbers rise up each time (up and down)

I had to repeat the grass and loop them

I had to make the lined paper using the loops

10 hour of code hour 9

I am learning how to make the ball stop and turn around when it hits the edges of the screen
Here I am moving the mouseX with my mouse and there is another circle that moves up and down but only when I click The left mouse button

This one was using math, if the number is less than 0 a box would appear in the "it's negative) and etc

10 hours of code hour 8

Here I make my name but every time I make it, it is in another location each time

This one was a hard one as I had to delete parts of the code that was premade and then place specific coding called moleX and mole Y to make the moles inside the holes

In this one I am using math in the code