Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Human Cat

Human Cat

Human Cat

Instructions on how you make this human cat (simplified).

-drag both images into a Photoshop file.

-Click on the human layer and select the erase tool and change the fading to around 30%, areas everything except for hid eyebrows all the way the the bottom of his lip.

-hide the human layer and click on the cat layer, select his nose, mouth and whiskers and then content fill aware to get rid of it.

-show the human layer and move it over where the cat face would be, change the opacity to the human to 80%

-make a new layer and get the correct color to match with the human eyelashes, click the brush tool and put a smudge on one side of each eyelash. Get the smudge tool and smudge it along the eyelash until you covered the entire lash with the smudge tool.

-make a new layer and select the brush tool making it any color you want, brush over the eyes and leaving the pupil and the white spots. change the opacity to that layer until it adds the correct color you want the eyes to be.

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