Tuesday, April 28, 2020

10 hour of code hour 6

Here I was learning to code with math ( line take away 15)
 In this one I had to use math to position the eyes and nose.
 This is the code after I used math to move the eyes and nose
 I had to prove that I did it right by moving one line of code and every thing moves with it too
 I had to prove I know what im doing by making an animal with math from scratch, I made a pig.

Friday, April 24, 2020

10 hour of code hour 5

*** When finished 10 hours I will decorate this post***

this hour I started to learn how to use my computer mouse to interact with the pictures through the coding
There was this tomato with a tiny bite in it, I had to make my mouse the part that eats the tomato and when the computer mouse hovers over the tomato it would dissapear.
I was able to make my mouse a pink circle with a yellow edge border so I made it covering the screen.
Now it was teaching me that I can also use math with my coding.

10 hour of code hour 4

*** When finished 10 hours I will decorate this post***

today I continued to work on animation, This was a challenging tutorial as I also got stuck on it for a little while. I had to move the 2 clouds to each side of the screen and make the sun grow bigger at the same time.

This was the hardest challenge and I could not complete what I was trying to make as it was to challenging. I had to make a shooting star with a circle and make it move and change shape. But the hard part was I was trying to attach triangles to the side to make it look more like a star, but could not get it to work. ( I was so concentrated it trying to get this to work I forgot to take screenshots)

Thursday, April 23, 2020

10 hour of code hour 3

*** When finished 10 hours I will decorate this post***

In this hour, I noticed that the instructions were getting harder than the other lessons, as hour 3 I was learning how to animate the pictures.

In this picture I had to change the eye size and the teeth length 
This is the tutorial on what I had to do next, which was getting rid of the border edges 

I had some fun and practice making it look different than what it was supposed to be.

In this one, I had to make the mouth and work on the eyes.

This was the beginning of the Animation part of coding, this is where it started to get complicated. I had this car and I had to make it move across the screen.This was a hard tutorial on making this purple blob move from the bottom left to the top right of the screen and also changing size at the same time.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

10 hours of code; day 2

*** When finished 10 hours I will decorate this post***

starting on the 2nd day / hour, I started with a snowman. I had to add the ground and 2 sticks to it.

 I chose to add more features to it
 The final challenge for this lesson was to create a meal, I chose pizza

Monday, April 20, 2020

10 hours of CODE: 1 hour

*** When finished 10 hours I will decorate this post***

10 hours of CODE: 1 hour

I chose to work with JavaScript on khanacademy.

My first hour I spent watching the provided video tutorials and coding with the video

I attempted to code Lemongrab from Adventure Time but did not get very far until having problems. I will get back to making it later on.

I was not able to find out how to get rid of circle borders

I soon got to the step where it challenged me to build a snowman.

After completing the "Waving snowman" the next challenge was to create it again but to make it waving.