Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker

Image of seeker:

Image of town in the air:

Image of your airship:

What did I learn? I learned that it is nearly impossible to kill the monster, you need gold to have a chance

Tips and tricks? Try hiding in a building when running from the seaker

Where do you get a stone axe from? You craft it from one of the crafting tables

What iteams can you eat? You can eat anything that is food

Image of can:

Image of cooked can:

Image of live fish:

Image of mushroom

Image of cactus fruit:

How does the cookie stop the seeker? The cookie will stop the seeker for 5 minutes.

What will you need to do next: I will be continuing to roam around looking for new places to explore 

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